Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Freebie madness

I use Biblio to hunt down used books I'm interested in.

Today I received yet another package from a Biblio member/seller. I ordered two books by Julie Miller, yet the package seemed big for only two Harlequin sized paperback. Hmmm...

Imagine my surprise when I opened the envelope and four books fell out. Hey, wait a minute. I ordered two. I paid for two. Didn't I? I check my email confirmation and my credit card statement. Sure enough, I was billed for two books. So what the heck is going on?

And that's when I found the hand-written note from the seller in one of the books. I got the other two books as freebie bonus. Yay!

Don't you just love it when people give books away for free? I guess no one wanted those two (they're pretty old-school HQ Intrigues by authors I've never heard of before, but I'll give them a try), so they had to get rid of them somehow. But I don't really care why I got them.

Freebie madness rules!

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