Saturday, February 14, 2009

Website is temporarily unavailable

For all those of you who've tried to access my website and got the 404 - Not Found error, do not despair.

My hosting company is upgrading the PHP version on my server, so please, be patient with the hiccups. Hopefully all will be resolved as soon as possible.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Humans vs. "Others"

I'm reading Jacob by Jacquelyn Frank at the moment and two words (written in a passage of Demon "law") made me think. According to that Demon law we humans are supposed to be "lesser creatures".


When I read it, it made me roll my eyes. It is fiction, after all. Everyone has to be a lesser creature once in a while, especially in paranormal romance, it makes for a more interesting read. Usually we women are regarded as the "lesser creatures" and usually it is the men doing the writing down (in some ancient tome or another) of this idiotic statement.

So, these two words were just a part of a fictitious law of an even more fictitious paranormal species, but somewhere in the middle of the night, my brain suddenly woke up and, extremely fuzzy (I was sleeping after all), started processing this information.

Humans = lesser creatures (Women = lesser creatures)

Huh!...Again...Wait a sec!

According to this much advertised statement, the paranormal creatures should me cavorting among themselves.

Then why is it, that all variations of vampire, werewolf, magick wielders, demons, etc. always come to the lesser creatures we humans are supposed to be to find their mate, the one person who can ease their dark and lonely existence?

And they're mostly male!

And the women these creatures of the night and darkness find as their other halves (sometimes you can almost hear the snap of the proverbial puzzle pieces falling into place) are no pushovers. Though they might appear fragile at the beginning of the story, they soon turn into protective lionesses determined to do anything to keep their man...ahem,

That is what makes a good paranormal romance. A kick-ass heroine...And lots of sex, but let's leave that for some other post.

So, a mere human woman (twice the lesser creature according to some male creatures of the night) is the only being strong, determined, and capable enough to bring peace or light or _____ [fill in the blank] to a male with paranormal abilities, powers or whatever else an author might come up with.

Lesser creatures my patootie! We gals RULE!