Monday, July 21, 2008

Musical musing

I finally figured out why I disliked (read: hated) the teaser I’ve made for Shadow of Revenge. The music!

I’m a sucker for music. I listen to any genre, even metal if the mood strikes. (Metal is especially good for those times when I just have to scream my lungs out.) Anyway, I’m a big music fan, and when it comes to classics even a little bit of a nerd. Music is my constant companion, if I don’t have my iPod with me, a normal (web)radio station will do. A couple of days ago a co-worker suggested I visit this site There’s a widget that lets you chose genre, mood and decade, and based on your choice, you get a selection of tracks (with optional buy links, iTunes included).

Anyway, I spent last week hitting my head against the wall trying to pinpoint the perfect background music that would let my teaser video shine. I visited various royalty-free music websites, downloaded a s***-load of tunes, yet nothing.

Saturday I met a friend of mine for ice-coffee (don’t you just love summer?) and we were talking of men and the trouble they bring, our usual rant, when his cell starts ringing. And it was the most beautiful ringtone I’ve ever heard. It was a little sad, really, highly strange for a ringtone, but that’s how eccentrics are. I immediately demanded to know what the title was, but he had no idea. Apparently it’s been passed from cell to cell, and I certainly didn’t want to stand out. He sent it to me, and as soon as I came home, I saved it on my PC, and proceeded with embellishing my video with it.

The rest is history.

And I love it. ;)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

New look and (new) content

Yay! The website has a new look (again). It's still in the dark lavender hues that I love, and aside from a few new JS gizmos it's pretty much the same.

I have added an exclusive sneak peek for Shadow of Revenge, that you can read on the book page. There's also a short list of songs I most listened to while writing it. And as you know it'll be released somewhere in the fall of this year. I'll hopefully soon upload the teaser video I've been promising you, though re-watching it a couple of time, I must say I'm pretty disappointed by how it turned up. I guess I have a lot of tweaking ahead of me, before it's ready to be released.

I've been thinking of submitting Christmas Love for a seasonal romance line with an e-publisher. I'm not sure about it, because it is quite short (less than 7k), and though I adore such short nibblets, I'm not sure a publisher would go for such a short word count. Well, the deadline is September 1, so I have a little more than a month to think about it. What do you think?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

An update

I know the postings on this blog – or lack of them – might suggest that either the owner has fallen off the face of the Earth, died, or is not a very serious person. Well, I’m sorry to have to contradict you, but I’m still on this planet – at least my body is, I’m not dead (yet), and I’m quite a dedicated person when I set my mind to it. My main problem is an acute and serious lack of time.

Now I’ve finally gotten over the exam period, for this year at least, and tidied up some ends in a fandom community, which enables me to focus more on my career in writing original work. And with the free time and fandom obligations behind me, the muse finally peeked up from underneath of layers of paperwork and study books, and my mind is once more brimming with ideas that are clamoring to be put down on paper – figuratively speaking.
There are so many, in fact, I’m struggling to keep up.

In this last month I suffered of a over my pseudo-obsession with anything Gone With the Wind and Scarlett related. The whole shebang started in the qualifiers of the European World Cup, when instead of suffering through the Dutch and Italian debacle against Russia and Spain, I opted for watching the Hollywood classic (it’s been cut in half due to the length, so it was a two-nighter). I was hooked.
I remember watching it when I was much younger, and the only scene that had stuck – and also my favorite - was the “pre-ravishing”, when Rhett carries a kicking and squirming Scarlett up the stairs into darkness…
I couldn’t resist, so I bought the 4-disc special DVD collection, the book (1.482 pages!), and the sequel, Scarlett, both the book and DVD, which I fear will soon start to skip due to excess watching.
Now, after having been inspired to use the main characters’ names in a story I’m currently in the middle of planning, and having watched a movie (instead of Scarlett) last night on TV, I can safely say the obsession is over.

Now, hopefully, I’ll finally manage to finish preparing Shadow of Revenge for publication – I already have a teaser trailer ready, I’m just trying to figure out whether include a narration or not. Sometime this weekend I’ll put up the teaser trailer and an excerpt (which will also be featured on the website), so you’ll know what to expect. I’ve given it a lot of thought of late and am considering changing the title, but I have absolutely no clue what to use instead. It’s easier just writing the damn stuff than coming up with a decent title.

I also have an idea for a four-book paranormal series in my head that just won’t let me be. I know I swore never to write paranormals, because of the fear I could never rise to the challenge, and the fact that everything’s already been written, but I just can’t help myself. I have to try, and if I crash and burn, then it was never meant to be. I sure have read enough books in the genre to at least know where to begin.