Sunday, May 25, 2008

I'm not dead yet

Don't worry, I haven't traveled into space or another dimension. I'm still comfortably on the face of the Earth, and I am alive and quite well.
The reason I haven't been around lately is the fact that I've been away for three weeks and since my return I've been just trying to catch up with everything, from work to classes (yes, I've gone back to school, sort of), and life in general.

Where was I?
Well, I spent three weeks in Mexico, simply enjoying the hell out of myself. It's not Egypt, I'll tell you that, but it beats the hell out of China everyday. The people are uber-nice (especially since I speak the language), there are ancient ruins everywhere you turn, they have a special telenovela channel (not that I watched), the males of the species are hotties... and the Caribbean is so cerulean blue it hurts your eyes.

And of course, after a three month writing drought, a breakthrough happened on the bus in the middle of the Mexican rain forest, while our guide was talking about the Zapatist movement, and I had absolutely nothing to write the words in my head down... Except my cell phone, and trust me, it's a pain writing a novel in SMS form.

And of course, since my return, I'm back in the stalemate that is my writing life. Hopefully after this year's last exam, the floodgates will open once again and I'll be able to write more than just a blog post.
[And she hangs her head in shame.]

I'm sure (some of) you must be wondering, what is going on with the three books that are in the "Upcoming" section of my website. Those eagle-eyed among you have probably noticed the strange occurrence that's changed the scheduled release dates into "TBA". Well, my authorial life is in a great crisis, so I decided to put everything on hold for a while, because only one book is really finished (and finally self-edited).
When I have more time, I'll submit it to a flesh-and-blood proof-reader for those last tweaks, so at least I won't have to be embarrassed by my lack of grammatical excellence.

So Shadow of Revenge will probably hit the scene in late summer, because to tell you the truth I also have no promotional material ready as of this moment.
[Once again, she hangs her head in shame, since it was due for release two months ago.]

Now I really have to go back to studying macroeconomics. :(