Tuesday, March 18, 2008


It's almost impossible to believe Shadow of Revenge should've been released this month. And I'm so far behind the final edits the certainty of its release in April is slowly turning into mere hope.

But I'm extremely glad it's taking so long. I've deleted quite a few paragraphs that had nothing at all to do with the story and I sure have no idea why I wrote them in the first place. Some say it's tough editing you own work… It's not. Well, not too much, anyway.

My advice (actually I read it somewhere and I must say it works): once you write the book – personally I don't do drafts, it is what it is – put it in the lower drawer for a few months, even better, for a year. Once you forget the little details (I know you think that could never happen, but give it a try – you'll be able to look at your writing with fresh eyes, so to speak.

Anyway, I'm on chapter 17 (out of 27) and I do hope I'll be able to read it through by the end of the month, so I'll be able to post an excerpt or two. And let's not forget the trailer.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Why do we even bother with mature content warnings?

Don't be alarmed by the strange title - I'm absolutely pro mature content warnings. But I am strictly against those who don't adhere to them. If you're not old enough to read such content don't read it, that's what the whole thing is all about.

I decided to write this down, because I've recently posted a story on a site that doesn't have a very good mature content policy. When someone attempts to read a chapter (story) rated R or NC-17 a nice warning box pops up and all you have to do to access the mature content is click on the OK button claiming you're over 18 years old.

But what if you're not?

Apparently they don't care.


So why am I worrying? It's not my site, not my rules. I wrote the darn thing, posted it with a clear mature content warning... From now on it's the site administrator's job to look out for youngsters who think are old enough to read… or even better, understand the plot and all its subtle nuances.

Okay, so go ahead and read it. But please, please, don't leave feedback for Pete's sake (commenting is for subscribers only). Because if you haven't figured it out, when you leave a comment, it's pretty clear who wrote it and everyone can access your profile and see exactly how old you are and that you have absolutely no business reading chapters or stories with mature content.

And now I finally get to the point. The story I wrote is edgy and filled to the top with angst, pretty explicit sex and extremely crude language, and the rating is an adequate NC-17. A recent chapter was a lengthy (2k words) bedroom scene. Two people letting go, forgetting the everyday worries, stress, and disillusionment for one steamy night.

What bothered me was a 16-year-old (at least two years below the age limit) leaving a comment as to how evident the difference between having sex and making love was, that sex without love was disgusting, that the two seemed wild animals...

Hmm. And here I thought nowadays teenagers were a lot more open-minded and educated in the sex department.

Call me nuts, call me easy if you want, but I never thought I had to be in love with a guy to have a one-night stand or summer fling.

Isn't sex mostly about scratching an itch, blow out some steam? Love sure doesn't hurt in the matter, but since when is it an essential factor?

If teenagers think they're old enough to read such things, I'd expect them to be mature enough to also understand what they're reading about. Not everything is black and white, there's a great, and extremely interesting, area of different hues of gray in between.

And the post end where it began: why do we even bother with mature content warnings if they don't pay attention?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Dream sequence - part deux

This dream is starting to slowly freak me out. It's not only a dream any more, it's a dream serial. Every night it starts from where it ended the last and I still remember every single detail. If I continue like this it's going to turn into the next Santa Barbara.

And I'm still trying to figure out where it all came from. The setting, the characters... The plot. I still don't remember any books or movies with this kind of plot and the few people I talked about it, don't seem to recall anything similar, either.

Maybe it's a sign...

Monday, March 3, 2008

Dream sequence

I had quite an interesting dream last night. My dreams usually involve me in the setting of a movie I've recently seen or book I've recently read... Or it involves me and some hunky actor or fictional male character from a book. Acheron Parthenopaeus, anyone? (I can't wait for the book to be released!)

Moving on...

This dream was completely different from them all. For starters I wasn't in it, there was no one I could possibly know (co-worker, friend, ex etc.), the setting wasn't from any book or movie, at least I don't recall it. And the story was something I've never heard of, again, at least I don't recall.

And what made it different from the rest was the fact I still remember it clearly. Usually I wake up and in a few minutes the dream is just a foggy memory that vanishes in an hour or so. Yet, I remember every single detail of last night's dream, every word, every name, everything.

Which is good, because I started writing it down. Yeah, I know, big surprise there, huh? Of course, I'm bound to change something, to write something a little differently than it happened, but that's what we do. It's who we are.

We create, we imagine, we write... We dream.