Saturday, February 23, 2008

"Funny" word meter

Okay, so you're probably wondering what does that strange number sequence mean in the word meter for Shadow of Revenge.

Well, I'm currently in the middle of the last edit, that's why the release date has been pushed into April, and I'm competing against myself to bring the word count down from the 111k and more. I don't think I'm particularly efficient at the moment (at the beginning of chapter 8 out of 27), since the moment I delete (or cut) a paragraph, I add the double to the next.

And just thinking of the next month, the preparations for the release, makes my head ache. The layout, deciding whether to stick with the current cover, trailer (right pictures, right words, right music)...

Somewhere in the middle of March I'll have the blurb ready and polished, and maybe an excerpt or two to whet your appetite. ;)