Monday, October 15, 2007

Deep sigh

Okay, so I'm not particularly interesting for publishers. It happens. Only yesterday I received another negative reply from a digital publisher saying my work didn't grab them.

After a while it all gets a little tiring and mixed with a busy work schedule, even busier personal and social life, along with a huge dose of writer's block, I sometimes get this irresistible urge to just send everything straight to hell, move to Mauritius or something like that and forget about writing.

But then I get the possibility of visiting the island of Capri (that's in Italy for those of you geographically challenged) and the whole deal with the vista of the rocks reaching out from the sea (where they supposedly filmed a Bond flick - I don't know which one), combined with a hefty amount of my crazed imagination - it was a pretty hot day! - and BAM I'm back on track.

So I guess I'll just get down to business, make a kick-ass cover and upload my book on Lulu. Maybe in a few weeks you guys will be able to see it on Amazon somewhere. Wouldn't that be nice? ^^